Allow me to stray briefly from my usual routines of merely providing you with creative tidbits, to give you a summary of some things I accomplished last month in what I call "Operation Expanded Horizons". I hope this inspires you to follow my lead and always look for ways to break out of your typical cardboard box of daily monotony and constricting comfort zones.
Read, ponder, and then make your own list next month:
Bowled over 60 legitimately for first time since becoming blind
Went to a Chiropractor for the first time in years
Ate only fruit for a whole week
Started taking Ballroom Dancing lessons
Bought a pair of size 30 pants
Wrote several short stories, posted here and on Twitter daily and have at least 10 followers on each
Read "Deception Point" by Dan Brown (audiobook)
Gave practice talk for Catholic Men's Retreat I am helping with next spring
Attended Mass at a Maronite Catholic Church (Eastern Rite, very different)
Joined RCIA team at my Parish
Switched to new Knights of Columbus Council closer to my apartment
Found an internship opportunity to get some experience
Officially accepted by The Seeing Eye to receive a dog in the near future
Proposed to my girlfriend and she is now my Fiancé