Monday, November 23, 2009

A more recent Saint:

Today is the Feast of Blessed Miguel Pro.  This priest was born in Mexico barely more than a hundred years ago.  He was very mischevious as a child and his antics came in handy when the Catholic Church was being persecuted in Mexico during his lifetime.  He used clever disguises to administer sacraments and care for the poor without being discovered.  Eventually, he was cought and convicted for something he didn't do.  His last words before being killed by the firing squad were, "Long live Christ the King!".
Blessed Miguel Pro, pray for us and for the priesthood.


Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum,
Paul A. Myers

1 comment:

  1. Technically his words were "Viva Christo Rey!" As he didn't speak English, he spoke Spanish...
