Strong wind come up and splat I'm in the drink. Soon as I spy that gator, I come flyin' back up quick as I fell.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
25.25 Mar. 30, 2010
A man flattened like a pancake by a steam locomotive, then hurtled into a beautiful glade with fountains and birds,, might feel as I do.
Monday, March 29, 2010
25.25 Mar. 29, 2010
Her Majesty scowled. She needed no words to express herself. I went straight away to the barracks and issued her orders. Tonight will be bloody.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Silly Limerick Sunday #4
We ate all the shrimp and sardines
The pizza and chili with beans
We feasted all week
By Red Water Creek
Then blew all the rest on new jeans
Saturday, March 27, 2010
25.25 Mar. 27, 2010
Snowballs zoom down the Trail
My mouth was parched by thirst and my feet were sore and aching, but when they jumped out from the trees, I took off running.
Friday, March 26, 2010
25.25 Mar. 26, 2010
Coming upon the old troll, I remembered what my mother told me. I smiled from my heart, whispered a prayer, and began playing my flute.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
25.25 Mar. 25, 2010
Three elephants sauntered into the tavern. I asked everyone what was so funny. Then the bartender pulled out his gun. It was a water pistol.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
25.25 Mar. 24, 2010:
The spark word for this week is royalty . Send them to me by this Sunday. And here is my story for today:
These Peasants, My Worker Ants
They toiled in the hot sun for hours, resulting in only one loaf of bread. But it was the biggest, sweetest loaf I've ever tasted.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
25.25 Mar. 23, 2010
A troop of hunters in a mirky wood have spied a giant deer. It spied them too. The meat will go well with orange juice.
Monday, March 22, 2010
25.25 Mar. 22, 2010
They carried the large stones high over their heads. Grunting and wailing, they marched toward the center of the village. Bells rang out a warning.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Silly Limerick Sunday 4
Volcanoes and earthquakes are thrumming
With folks in the village still humming
They dance in the square
Of doom unaware
The end of their world is coming!
25.25 contest winner #3!
And here is the winner:
Of Labyrinths and Crazy Mazes
By Margaret Mary Myers of Baltimore, MD
Jerry frantically wiped the spider webs from his face and shuddered. Clinging to
hope, he pushed through.
There she was!...bruised and bleeding, yet alive!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
25.25 Mar. 20, 2010
Balloons shot skyward, fireworks whizzed overhead, and confetti coalesced all around. The King had arrived. All I knew was that I had to find him.
Friday, March 19, 2010
25.25 Mar. 19, 2010
He never expected to see her again. Yet she stood laughing in the rain. He felt like a sailor sighting land after a long voyage.
Don t forget to submit your own 25 word, with 25 letter title, stories for this week s contest. The spark word is insects . Send them to: by tomorrow night!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
25.25 Mar. 18, 2010
The battle was over. At last he could stretch his legs. But no smile lit his scarred face. The screaming children bled like rotten tomatoes.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
25.25 Mar. 17, 2010
The young man ascended the top step only to realize his grave mistake. He forgot to remove his sandals. The gods would not be pleased.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
25.25 Mar. 16, 2010
Sparks flew and metal clanged. The bearded man stopped working when his whistling was drowned out by ethereal music. The trees will take their revenge.
25.25 Mar. 16, 2010
Sparks flew and metal clanged. The bearded man stopped working when his whistling was drowned out by ethereal music. The trees will take their revenge.
Monday, March 15, 2010
25.25 Mar. 15, 2010
Two Captains face off in deadly combat. Swords clash and cannons fire. This time, it is the First Mate who goes down with the ship.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
25.25 Contest Winner #2!
This week s winner of the 25 word short story with 25 letter title contest is...
Mary Myers of Atlanta, Georgia!
The spark word for next week is Insects . Send your submissions to:
And here is the winning entry:
Strawberries stain white rum
By Mary Myers
White glove sees strawberries in the protest of many urchins. Smash, smear it is lost for years but not with understanding. Bananas would be better.
Silly Limerick Sunday #3
A card house assembled by blokes
Whose taste was for fine import smokes
Got seared by a flame
Which ended their game
And made them the butt of our jokes
Saturday, March 13, 2010
25.25 Mar. 13, 2010
Three ducks waddled into the water and glided forward. When the gunshots went off, their friend in the reeds snickered. Finally, the time had come.
I haven t recieved enough submissions for the contest this week, so if I don t get any more today, I will postpone running a guest story until next Sunday. If you still want to submit your own 25 word short story with a 25 letter title, send it to: and remember the spark word is fruit .
Friday, March 12, 2010
25.25 Mar. 12, 2010
He didn't bother with plate and napkin. He simply dashed to the buffet as if he hadn't eaten in three days. Naturally, we all scattered.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
25.25 Mar. 11, 2010
He kicked off his flip-flops, scooped them up, and meandered off the sidewalk. The mud between his toes reminded him of childhood… and that hurt.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
25.25 Mar. 10, 2010
The injured bird emitted a soft tweet and stumbled upright. He stretched his wings, grimacing through the pain. Then he set his jaw, and flew.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
25.25 Mar. 9, 2010
"Don't care what Mom said, or how hard it's raining, he's gonna pay!"
Then he ran outside with a nerfgun and a plate of spaghetti.
Monday, March 8, 2010
25.25 Mar. 8, 2010
She smiled as she let the flower slip from her thin fingers and blow away. She felt her heart rise with it and become free.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Silly Limmerick Sunday #2
Oh castle with turrets and moat
Such stories, the minstrels, they wrote
The dragons you lanced
While Princesses danced
Till all was consumed by the goat
Spark word for next week
Good luck!
25.25 contest winner!
And here is her story, and remember the spark word was "rust":
Salty Reaction to the Element
Preserve the woman, as the material is fresh.
Don't drink the salt water.
The creases may color to orange
Then fade and disintegrate upon exposure.
Be sure to send your own 25.25 stories to me throughout the week and next Sunday it could be you! Send all submissions to:
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Last chance!
Just wanted to warn you that on Sunday I will be choosing the best submission and posting it, so if you want to appear on my blog, you are running out of time to send in your story. See the post from Wednesday for the rules.
Thanks and good luck!
25.25 Mar. 6, 2010
He stared, admiring her lopsided smile and her flying hair as she danced to nothing at all. He took a breath. Time to man up.
Friday, March 5, 2010
25.25 Mar. 5, 2010
His dry eyeballs scan the horizon, each grain of sand the same, each scorching, bright, and barren. Longing for vultures, bandits, or even a mirage.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
25.25 Mar. 4, 2010
"Those pompous buffoons devoured every morsel of dessert as if it would vanish."
"Don't fret, my good man. The poison will kick in soon enough."
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Contest Announcement
I am starting a new little contest here at the Muse. I invite all of you to try your hand at writing a 25.25 Story like mine.
Write a short story of exactly 25 words and having a title of exactly 25 letters, not including spaces and punctuation.
Send your story to:
Be sure to include your name as you would like it to appear and any links to your own websites that you would like to share.
Every Sunday I will post the best one. Good luck!
And this week your spark word to inspire you is: rust
25.25 Mar. 3, 2010
He stood in the rain, his thin body shivering, his mind elsewhere. Beyond tattered clothing and upside down umbrella. Watching memories dance on the wind.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
25.25 Mar. 2, 2010
Purple violets swaying, emitting poisen fumes. Scarlet roses hissing, thorns that slice through flesh. This garden is my funhous, and now your death and doom.
Monday, March 1, 2010
25.25 Mar. 1, 2010
His arms were crossed swords, his legs, wild horses. Calmly, I stood, an ocean, ready to redirect his fury into a thunderstorm and sink him.